Sunday, May 27, 2007
Vintage Postcards of Edinburg Ind

Hello this is my collection of old vintage postcards of Edinburg Ind. The card on the left is the Edinburgh First Christian Church since 1834 is the oldest existing church in Edinburgh. The current building was dedicated August
12,1888. this postcard was postmarked 1912.

More on the history of this church


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Masonic Temple and Opera

This is a relatively small collection of postcards and they are focused on the Edinburg area in Indianopolis and this is tightly linked to the first Christian Church founded in 1832 after the two streams Campbell's and Stone's fused and established the Disciples of Christ - as I myself have strong spiritual ties towards Hussite and European Reformist I appreciate that they took almost the same token i e logo for their service to our Lord: the Chalice. The only difference from the evangelical church here in Bohemia is that cross inside the chalice (the similarity of the Czech word 'kalich' and German 'Kelch' and Latine 'calix' is most than remarkable.
As a deltiologist, I highly treasure this kind of small topically and locally oriented postcards because they reflect the identity in time and space of a group of people, not only the postal services habits and the current themes of the postcard's time of issuing. Well done - a nice example that the biggest and hugest may not always be the best and on the contrary smaller collection may be of much higher authenticity and deltiologic importance and challenge for reseach.