Thursday, May 24, 2007

Postcards to KC
Welcome to Postcards to KC. Your probably looking at this site because you either received an email or heard about this site from someone. To make sure you know this isn't a hoax like every other email you have received I have made this site.

The idea is for people to send postcards to a P.O Box address. I am trying to collect as many postcards as possible. I would like everyone that sends one to be upated on how many are received and where they come from.

I will tell you where the postcards have came from.
Every Country, State, and City. But the only way I can do that is if you send a postcard.

No name or address is required; just where you are from. No information you do send will be given out. I WILL NOT SEND ANYTHING BACK. Email or mail. Noone will have access to any information sent to me except me.

Feel free to ask questions or write comments. Any questions will be answered on this site. If you prefer to not have your questions answered on the site then please provide an email address or email me and I will get back to you.

The updates will be weekly also if you would like; email me and let me know if you would prefer me to send you an updated letter weekly.That will include just the new places and total count as of that week. At anytime you can email and let me know to stop sending them.


Postcards To KC
P.O. Box 3818
Sumter SC 29151

Started on: 4/20/2005
Udpated last:

You may be asking why I want to collect postcards. Well all I can say is that I find them fascinating. If I could

problems with blog this feature persist!!!!!

comment- this is a very unusual site - there is no motivation offered by the webmaster for sending him or her a Postcard - the comments are almost impolite - and I am going to send my postcard to this Post Office Box - maybe people would get tricked into by those usual hype and baloney promises of drawing the postcards - this is almost rudimentary simple a clean demand of another human being with the customary trick - or is this the best of tricks - I shall inform you, what shall happen with this trial postcard sent into the POB with promised NO FEEDBACK. I am now really mentally exhausted and must finish my blogging Here and NOW.

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