Thursday, May 10, 2007

My 5 X 7 Lightning Postcards

My 5 X 7 Lightning PostcardsYaah'teeh, Welcome to my Postcard Page.

My 5 x 7 inch postcards are for sale. See how to order and prices at the end of this page. My flute music you will hear, was recorded live on location during a thunderstrom near the Grand Canyon AZ.

Dear Seeker: Within you is a spirit. Your spirit is very strong and beautiful. Your spirit is very real. Some things people say are not real. Know yourself and all that power and beauty that is within you. For that is very real.

An original set of 5 postcards - or strictly speaking images that would be printed out on demand and sent to a customer. Something like postcard happening - with monotoneous sound of the flute - we have the live postcatds which is a picture taken in real time by a web camera. But how should they be collected? Are these postcards or simply on line coverage of a certain place? I would prefer the latter. Not sent by post, not even printed out. To use words should be a little bit more responsible.